Managed Localization Dashboard

Our Localization Dashboard is your central hub to all things localization. Quickly check the progress on running projects, answer questions our translators asked, upload screenshots for context clarification or mark individual strings for us to check.
This is the place to set up and configure integrations for automated workflows and get in touch with your personal project manager. All within this central hub.

Managed Localization Dashboard

Github Workflow

Github Workflow

Probably the most requested and utilized integration is the Github integration. It helps simplify and speed up the localization process between you and us considerably. And this is how easy it makes translation for you:

  • Merge the localization files into one or more dedicated branches for localization
  • Our system automatically tracks the branch(es) and notifies us about new assets to translate
  • We translate your assets and create a _Pull Request_ into your dedicated Localization branch(es)
  • You review the files and merge them into your production branch

Integrations for all your Systems

Integrations don’t stop with just Github though. Our tools offer a variety of other integrations tailored to your needs: Azure, Bitbucket, GitLab, Google Play, Jira, Sketch, Contentful or Zendesk, just to name a few.Using these integrations will automatically push new content to Wordcrafts for translation. And it is totally up to you which strings shall be translated. Our tools can handle sophisticated rule sets to determine the branches relevant for localization.

Adobe XD

Android SDK






Google Play





Zendesk Guide

Over-The-Air transmission to your Apps

Want to take Workflow Automation even one step further? Then how about Over-The-Air transmission of your translations via iOS SDK and Android SDK? Just a few well-documented changes for our Content Delivery SDK in your code and your translations are being updated on the fly without the need to submit an update through iTunes Connect.

Over the Air

Self-Hosting on Crowdin?

Do you host your localization files on Crowdin Enterprise? Then you can simply add us as a vendor and seamlessly integrate Wordcrafts into your localization workflow without any hassle. Once this is done, we will automatically receive updates you make in your own Crowdin Enterprise space.